December 08, 2010

nice blog kah?

dpt award, yey! =) lame dah aku xbt tag n award bagai kan? xpe2.. mood mnjawab tag n award dah on the way slow2. so, aku try bt satu2 ye. heee~ kali ni dapat award dari gadis kampung yg sngt comel. putih melepak. jeles gile! bak mai putih tu skit. :D ok dah,
terima kasih sbb bg award utk blog yg xseberapa ni ye..

dah dapat award pon kena jwb soklan jgk eh? huuu~ xpe2. i ni penyabor org nye. ceh!

Nama blog korang dan kenapa letak nama tu?
name blog ni kenapa pilih name blog mcm ni? sbb nama blog berdasarkan nama pemilik blog. sng.. time nk pk name blog tu xde idea. name sendiri pon tibai sajo la.. =)

5 perkara yang saya suka.
* tidur paling penting! hahaha.. =P wlau perut lapar, tetap ku pilih tidur. huuu~
* bebelog adalah satu kewajipan.
* suka sopim. of course!
* suka kemas rumah. ni xtipu. bkn sesaje nk budget rajin ke ape. tp jgn suruh sy msk. xberapa nk rajin. hee~
* suka jln2.

5 perkara yang saya tidak suka.
* makan sayur.
* makan maggie.
* rumah bersepah2.
* manusia yg bermuka2. depan baik, belakang cait! pengalaman lps mmg cukup mendewasakan aku.
* xsuka perasaan yg dtg bile aku xupdate belog. huuuu~

bile dah main tagging2 and award ni, harus la mentag dan bg award ni kat blogger2 lain kan...
ok, meh aku pass.

* lopayn geng ofis aku yg xberapa nk betul sbb keje asyik gelak je!
* anne pon geng office aku yg rmbut dier cantik!
* kgg yg berhati lembut.
* kak hezesuze yg name ssh nk pronounce.
* fiqas yg tny tntg tuto blog ari tu, nnti nadia bt ye. =)
* syafiq rosli yg suka amek gmbr. nnti amek gmbr nadia boleh?

sila amek dtg kadar segera, harap maklong. =)


  1. I see the inquisitive look on her face,
    It brings a smile to think of her,
    To walk and talk which such grace,
    She is Nadia like no other.

    Young she may be,but so mature,
    She teaches me that it does exist,sweet hope,
    With serinity of God's nature,
    My sad life she helps me cope.

    Thank you Nadia,you've done so much,
    Your patience,your trust is like no other,
    With a hint of humour,a soft touch,
    Nadia trust me,you'll make a good mother.

  2. Wowww. Who's that anon? Cool betul!
    Btw, cik nadia, u've been tagged!

    kalau ada masa join yea!


    Dear u also have been tagged.....

  4. susah ke nk pronaunce nama weols?? huhu aduaaii

    orait aci tak award ni weols tepek dlm ati weols..hehe btw thanks ye

    insyaallah kalo free weols buat ngee
